Come Back Home To Yourself

Therapy for Asians and BIPOC in Despair

You’ve gone through so much in life.

You oscillate between feeling deeply depressed and very anxious.

An outsider would wonder how you’ve managed to survive. In fact, it doesn’t even feel like surviving anymore. You’re numb to the world and the world doesn’t seem to care that you’re being left behind.

You desperately want out of this isolated internal hellscape, but you barely have the energy and motivation to try…

You also know something’s got to give in order for you to move on with your life. You want to heal, you want to be happy, and you want a chance to thrive!

There's a way to move beyond the pain and find nurturing and caring relationships with others, especially yourself.

When you’re ready, I’ll be ready for you.

Hi, I’m Nanae she/her

I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, daughter of Japanese immigrants, and survivor of trauma.

I see you.

I help kind-hearted Asians/BIPOC who’ve experienced multiple traumatic events or losses to move on with their lives. I use brainspotting, talk, and somatic therapies to reconnect them to a sense of belonging and “home.”

That sounds like me.

Over time, pieces of you left, sometimes without you even noticing. 

It’s like the “you” within disintegrated.

“What happened to you?” I ask you.

You respond,

“I was raised by emotionally neglectful or abusive parents.

I went through unimaginable loss of the people I loved deeply, who left me behind or died.

And I endured horrible things - in my relationships and by existing in this system and world.”

  • It’s been some time since the event. And yet, it still takes up a lot of space in your head. You wonder, “Why haven’t I moved on already!?” while also feeling angry or deep sadness about it. You’re often woken up by nightmares.

  • Hours, sometimes even days, have passed and you still haven’t gotten that work task done, put away the laundry, gone grocery shopping, or paid that bill. You numb out, doom scroll for hours. It feels near impossible to stop and take care of your life.

  • You spend a lot of time wondering, what’s wrong with me? Am I the crazy one? Why can’t I get over it? Am I making it into a bigger deal than it really is? These thoughts keep replaying in your head over and over.

  • On the outside, you appear to be a hard worker and that you seem to have it all figured out. Yeah, but they will never know the turmoil you’re going through inside. A sense of dread that you’re never going to be good enough.

Does this sound familiar?

How Somatic therapy can help

Trauma doesn’t just stay in your mind. Your body also holds onto it. Discover how posture, movements, and working through physical impulses can make a difference.

How Brainspotting can help

Where we look affects how we feel. The “brain spot” you are looking at can be directly connected to the area of your brain that holds trauma. Untangle the impact of trauma through brainspotting.

Learn more

How therapy for Asians can help

A practitioner that looks like you and understands what it’s like to be raised by immigrant parents can make a world of difference. Breathe a sigh of recognition and relief with me.

This is what you’ve been looking for!

Here’s a theory: Maybe I had not really been broken this whole time. Maybe I had been a human—flawed and still growing but full of light nonetheless.
— Stephanie Foo, What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma

We would be a good fit if...

You’re ready to try and change the course of your life.

You’re looking for something different. Perhaps talk therapy has provided an excellent foundation, and you’re ready to try a new approach (body-based and Brainspotting).

You’re someone that will show up even when therapy feels uncomfortable. Because healing and moving on is a priority for you.

You’re interested in therapy that promotes trust in yourself as you reconnect to your body wisdom and your innate ability to heal.

You’re interested in the possibility of connecting to spiritual energies, including ancestors. You’re curious about tarot and don’t mind if the therapist pulls cards for you for self-reflection. Simply put, you’re ok with the “unknown.”

We wouldn’t be a good fit if…

You’re being forced into therapy and you don’t want to be here. You’re frustrated this is being required.

You think therapy doesn’t work. You want to play devil’s advocate or pressure the therapist to prove therapy to you.

Simply put, you don’t think anything is wrong! You’re angry at others who keep pressuring you to see things differently.

You don’t have an interest in noticing the sensations in your body. You believe they aren’t connected to the thoughts in your mind.

The thought of connecting to ancestors or spiritual energies doesn’t make sense and it sounds like a hoax to you.

Yup, that’s me! How do I start?

Pick a date and time that works for you for a free 20 minute consultation call or video chat.